Combating Itchy Ears

Tingling and burning ears can cause constant itching that is difficult to combat. Inner ear itching can become so irritating that you will want to seek some method of alleviation as quickly as possible. This sometimes means you will potentially harm your eardrum in order to get to the itch and find relief.

What Causes Itchy Ears?

Itching of the ears is generally caused by lack of natural moisture in the skin. As with the skin on other parts of the body the skin inside your ears needs to be pliable and well-nourished in order to remain healthy. Ears have a thin layer of natural body oil that can dry out through excessive ear cleaning, as this removes the natural wax that acts as an essential lubricant. Inner ear itch is therefore caused by the skin drying out and requiring moisture replenishment.

Allergic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis can be as itchy in the inner ear as these skin conditions can be elsewhere on the body. Treatment of this form of skin irritation will be the same as on other body parts.

The wearing of a hearing aid can also irritate the skin of the inner ear, so it is important to check the plastic casing from time to time to ensure irritation is not caused by trapped water in the ear canal.

How To Soothe Itchy Ears

To keep ears healthy and itch-free it is important to ensure they are always clean and dry and well moisturised. Patting ears gently dry after showering will keep bacteria at bay, which also reduces the risk of infection and/or itch breakout.

If your skin is prone to dryness soothing the inner ear with a few drops of natural oils – tea tree oil is a good choice – will help combat any flakiness or irritating itch. Maintaining a good balance of natural oils in the inner ear will also ensure ear wax production is not excessive.

If itchiness persists seeking medical advise is recommended. Your GP will be able to prescribe special ears drops, or a steroid ointment, to restore chemical balance to your skin.

Homemade Remedies

Garlic is an effective remedy for itchy ears and bacterial infections. Add a few garlic cloves to olive oil and crush them to release the natural oils. Gently heat the oil until it reaches boiling point then allow to cool. Once cooled a few drops of the oil can be applied to the inner ear to soothe dry, flaky or irritated skin.

A rubbing alcohol and distilled white vinegar solution also works well in combating itchy symptoms. Mix the ingredients in equal measures and using a sterile eye dropper add 2 or 3 drops into the ear.

Maintaining Healthy Balance

Allergies can cause skin to itch so it is important to minimise the risk of developing itchy skin whenever possible. This includes washing your pillowcase regularly and switching from a feather/down pillow to a synthetic pillow from time to time, in case you are allergic to the pillow fibres.

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